Agency Change Toolkit

Presented by

Think Work



High Quality Community Life Engagement Supports: Four Guideposts for Success describes four guideposts in providing high quality day services and supports for service providers.

Ensuring Excellence In Community-based Day Supports is a guide for service providers to provide high quality day supports.

The Community Life Engagement Toolkit was developed to help service providers develop and improve high quality day services and supports leading to meaningful community life engagement (CLE). Inside you will find guideposts for success, a self-assessment tool, real-world examples of service providers making CLE happen, and other helpful resources and tools.

Promising practices

TransCen’s WorkLink Program: Helping Individuals Gain Work Skills Through Targeted Volunteering and Other Community Life Engagement Activities

TransCen’s WorkLink Program: Braiding Community Employment and Life Engagement Services

Work Inc.: Developing a Community Liaison Program to Address Holistic Needs