Customized Employment: Applying Practical Solutions provides an overview of customized employment,including job seeker exploration, creating a blueprint for job development, and negotiating withemployers.
30-Day Placement Plan: A Road Map to Employment breaks the job-search process down into concrete, manageable tasks.
When Existing Jobs Don't Fit: A Guide to Job Creation examines the steps involved in the job creationprocess.
More Than Just a Job: Person-Centered Planning examines person-centered career planning as an approach to help people with disabilities develop and realize their dreams.
Explore Prepare Act – A 14-minute video that is used in Massachusetts as part of a curriculum that self-advocates to teach individuals how to find a job.
Charting the LifeCourse Daily Life and Employment tools can help providers have the conversations, explore the vision, and plan the life experiences and supports to make employment happen.
The Real People, Real Jobs website offers a collection of innovative, front-line, job development and employment support practices. The practices are described through stories and videos of individuals earning money, forming networks, and contributing to their communities.